New York Construction: Liquidating Agreements

What are New York construction liquidating agreements and how do they work? In the New York construction industry, a liquidating agreement is one between a contractor and subcontractor where the subcontractor releases the contractor from liability in exchange for the contractor going after the owner for the subcontractor’s claims...

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Construction Litigation: What Makes A Strong Lost-Productivity Claim?

Winning a lost-productivity claim is central to arguing other elements of a construction litigation lawsuit. What is lost-productivity...

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Common Construction Litigation Issues

What are the most common types of construction litigation issues? The most common types of construction litigation issues include: Contracts...

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How Can A Construction Litigation Attorney Benefit You?

The business of construction is complex and involves a lot of planning and players. Any small problem, if gone unresolved, could turn into a massive issue...

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Evidence For Construction Claims

When one or more construction teams fail to accomplish their activities, this can lead to problems with the project and can result in construction claims...

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